Sustainable investments
The Mediobanca Group’s firm commitment
Growth and sustainability are distinctive features of the Mediobanca Group. Promoting people, serving the society in which we operate, and reducing the direct and indirect impact on our environment are all an integral part of our growth objectives.
In order to achieve responsible growth at Group level, a Group Sustainability Policy and a Group ESG Policy[1] have been adopted. The former describes the approach used to identify, assess, prevent and reduce potential direct impact in reputational and operational terms, while the latter defines the general principles and guidelines for evaluating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors as part of the Mediobanca Group's financing, investment and advisory activities.
The Group has set itself sustainability targets as part of the 2019-23 Strategic Plan, with the intention of contributing to the achievement of 6 of the 17 macro objectives described by the Sustainable Development Goals. The Group has also agreed to and signed the 10 Global Compact principles.
Sustainability-related disclosure
As part of its client individual portfolio management and investment advisory services policies and processes, Mediobanca Private Banking uses a system for monitoring investment funds’ and issuers’ sustainability factors, in order to identify the instruments that have unsatisfactory ESG levels or that operate in sectors considered too controversial under the Group's Sustainability Policies.
These assessments are carried out based on ESG ratings provided by specialist external info-providers, where available, or through proprietary methods for issuers and funds for which no ESG rating is available.
Mediobanca, through its Private Banking division, has developed two product according to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/2088), the new product falls within the definition provided in Article 8 (i.e. “light green”), because it promotes good environmental, social and governance factors.[2]
Products that promote environmental and social characteristics
[1] This Policy also provides for the adoption of additional criteria and safeguards on ESG issues that will be implemented by the Group companies as part of the implementation of this document.
[2] Article 2(24) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (the “SFDR”) defines “sustainability factors”, as meaning “environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and anti-bribery matters”.
[3] These principles are adopted in accordance with the procedures and timelines set out in Regulation (EU) 2088/2019 and related technical regulatory standards (the "RTS"), and having regard to the information disclosed on the market.
[4] Launched by the United Nations in 2006 with the intention of encouraging the spread of sustainable and responsible investing among institutional investors.
[5] Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565, as amended by Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1253.
Adverse sustainability impacts statement
As part of the provision of portfolio management services on an individual basis and investment advisory services, Mediobanca, inter alia through the delegated manager, takes negative effects for sustainability[3] (“Principal Adverse Impact”, or ”PAI”) into consideration in making investment decisions.
In line with the approach established at Group level, Mediobanca has defined the principles on the basis of which the PAIs and related indicators are taken into consideration, ensuring compliance with the principles of management responsibility towards its stakeholders.
Mediobanca has also adopted specific internal regulations aimed at governing the methods and methodologies used in consideration of the PAIs as part of the investment process.